So, I now have a final schedule at Life, the Universe, & Everything in February.
Thursday, February 15
Cedar (Provo Marriott), 3pm – 3:45pm
Joe Monson (M), Bobbie Berendson W., David J. West, Devon Dorrity
Appreciating and learning from the art of a highly accomplished master in science fiction and fantasy.
I’ve known Bobbie for years. She’s an awesome artist and will bring a lot to this panel. David is a fun guy, a great author, and also knows his stuff. Devon is an amazing sculptor and artist. We are planning to make this panel very informative, so please come and learn about one of the best science fiction, fantasy, and horror artists around.
Saturday, February 17
Boardroom (Provo Marriott), 6pm – 6:45pm
Come see the cover reveal and initial author announcements for the first LTUE Benefit anthology, Trace the Stars. The themes for several future anthologies will be announced. A Q&A session follows the announcements, with informal mingling and refreshments.