This is a call for submissions to participate in A Dragon and Her Girl: Stories of Adventure, the second of the benefit (charity) anthologies to help the Life, the Universe, & Everything symposium. The anthology will be jointly published by Hemelein Publications and LTUE Press. This anthology will be edited by Joe Monson and Jaleta Clegg, the editors of the first anthology, Trace the Stars.
For this anthology, we are looking for the following:
1. Adventure fantasy featuring strong female protagonists (dragons are a huge plus!)
2. Stories up to 17,500 words
3. Unpublished or reprint stories
Stories are due by December 15, 2018. If you have a story that meets these criteria, please review the attached call for submissions for more details and follow the directions there to submit your story.
If you don’t have a story of your own, but you know someone who does, please share this post with them. If you don’t have a story that fits the criteria for this anthology, be aware there will be additional benefit anthologies published in the future that will fall under a variety of different genres.
We look forward to your participation!
Joe Monson
Jaleta Clegg